請按此下載電子版會議場刊。 (截至2012年6月18日)
2012年6月14日 星期四
開始 | 結束 | |
10:00 | 13:00 | IJPOR 董事會會議 地點:研究生堂會議室 P5-01 |
11:00 | 17:00 | 世界民意研究學會理事會會議 地點:研究生堂會議室P5-03 (輕便午餐於12:00) |
17:00 | 19:00 | 登記處開放 / 聚會 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
2012年6月15日 星期五
開始 | 結束 | |||||||||||
08:30 | 18:00 | 登記 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
09:30 | 11:15 | 會議開幕式 |
11:15 | 11:45 | 小休 / 海報時段 I 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
11:45 | 13:00 | 分場環節 I | ||||||||||
A | Public Health Opinion Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-01 |
B | Public Opinion on Social Issues Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-03 |
C | Public Opinion on Social Media Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-01 |
D | Capturing International and Domestic Public Opinion through AsiaBarometer Surveys Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-02 |
E | The Current Situation and Development Tendency of Public Opinion in China Grad. Hs. Wang Gungwu Theatre (special panel with SI) |
F | Media and Politics James Hsioung Lee Science Building Room JLG03 |
13:00 | 14:00 | 午飯 地點: 莊月明文娛中心 |
14:00 | 15:15 | 分場環節 II | ||||||||||
A | AAPOR Special Panel - Exit Polling in the 21st Century: A Perspective from the USA Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-01 |
B | Media Effects, Agenda Setting, Framing and Priming I Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-03 |
C | Public Opinion and Social Value Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-01 |
D | The Implications of New Survey Mode on Response Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-02 |
E | Public Opinion in China Grad. Hs. Wang Gungwu Theatre (special panel with SI) |
15:15 | 15:30 | 小休 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
15:30 | 16:45 | 分場環節 III | ||||||||||
A | Public Opinion on Political Issues I Grad. Hs Seminar Room P5-01 |
B | New Forms of Journalism and Citizen Opinion Expressions I Grad. Hs Seminar Room P5-03 |
C | Cross-national Research Grad. Hs Seminar Room P6-01 |
D | Alternatives and Strategies for Improving Survey Response Rates Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-02 |
E | Internet Polling in Chinese Societies: The Exploration of Online Survey and Online Opinion Grad. Hs. Wang Gungwu Theatre (special panel with SI) |
16:45 | 17:00 | 小休 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
17:00 | 18:15 | 分場環節 IV | ||||||||||
A | Deliberative Polling I Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-01 |
B | Sampling, Response Rates and Non-Response Grad. Hs Seminar Room P5-03 |
C | Multi-Country Surveys: A Distinct in Sub-Field Survey Research Grad. Hs Seminar Room P6-01 |
D | Questionnaire Design and Techniques Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-02 |
E | Internet and Public Opinions in China Grad. Hs. Wang Gungwu Theatre (special panel with SI) |
19:00 | 21:00 | 頒獎晚宴 地點:陸佑堂 |
2012年6月16日 星期六
開始 | 結束 | |||||
08:30 | 14:00 | 登記 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
09:30 | 11:15 | 全體會議 過度中的民主:茉莉花革命的民意基礎 地點:研究生堂王賡武講堂 |
11:15 | 11:45 | 小休 / 海報時段 II 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
11:45 | 13:00 | 分場環節 V | ||||
A | East Asian Social Survey Grad. Hs Seminar Room P5-01 |
B | Media Effects, Agenda Setting, Framing and Priming II Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-03 |
C | Public Opinion at Good / Bad Times Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-01 |
D | Public Opinion and World Value Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-02 |
E | E-democracy I Grad. Hs. Wang Gungwu Theatre (special panel with SI) |
F | Public Consultation James Hsioung Lee Science Building Room JLG03 |
13:00 | 14:00 | 午飯 地點: 莊月明文娛中心 |
14:00 | 15:15 | 分場環節 VI | ||||
A | Public Opinion Online Grad. Hs Seminar Room P5-01 |
B | Public Opinion on Political Issues II Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P5-03 |
C | ISSC Special Panel: "Critical Reflections on the Future of Comparative Social Research" Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-01 |
D | Deliberative Polling II Grad. Hs. Seminar Room P6-02 (special panel with SI) |
E | E-democracy II Grad. Hs. Wang Gungwu Theatre (round table discussion with SI) |
15:15 | 15:30 | 小休 地點:研究生堂門廳 |
15:30 | 16:30 | 世界民意研究學會商務會議 地點:研究生堂會議室P6-01 |